Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Organizing Olympics, Day 7: Junk Mail Javelin

Today's event will be.....Junk Mail Javelin.

This individual event comprises training agility and skill to keep your competitors, junk mailers and paper marketers at bay.

The goal of this event is to:

Stop the junk mail from entering the sector (entering the house).     

What is your strategy to win at this game? 

  1. Throw The Javelin - Sort your mail as soon as you pick it up. 
  2. Use Javelin competitor’s techniques and with an “overhand” throw to toss all non-addressed junk mail directly in the recycle bin.
  3. Addressed junk mail can either be shredded or recycled based upon your comfort level 
(I shred anything with our names on it)
  1. Throw for Distance - Contact catalogue companies and get off their mailing lists – you can get everything on line if you are looking for an item.
  2. Get as many of your other mail pieces sent to you online.   Most bill companies will send you eBills to cut down on the paperwork
The competitor with the longest single legal throw is the winner, so grab that Javelin and throw that junk mail as far from your home as possible.

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