Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Organizing Olympics, Day 15: The Closet Crawl

Day 15 The Closet Crawl  

This event is an individual or a team sport depending upon whose closet you are taking on in your competition.    

For this event you will need:

  1. A good supply of hangers.   I prefer wooden hangers with a bar across the bottom (good for both pants and tops) I also like it when the hanger has grooves in the top to help stop camisoles and tanks from slipping off the hanger.   I find having one uniform hanger in the cupboard creates a visual sense of order.
  2. Your Timer
  3. Donation Bag or Box
  4. Repair Bag or Box

The rules of this Crawl Event are as follows:

Keep “like” items together
Donate any items that you have not worn in the past year
Determine how many of each item you need?  White blouses, Black Slacks
Does it fit?
Do you like it?
Will you wear it this year?
Does it need repair before you will wear it?   Put it in a bag to go the tailors for repair.

Set your timer for 15 minutes and begin removing items from the closet.   Use the bed as your sorting zone.  Work one section of the closet at a time and sort into categories as you go.  Once everything has been sorted into categories, follow the rules above and make decisions.

If this is your closet, try on anything you are not sure about but keep focused on the task. 

If it is your child’s closet, have them try on clothes as you go.  

Anything that does not fit, put directly into a donate bag.

Take a break if needed and then set your timer for another 15 minutes.

Here is a link to a great folding video on YouTube    It will help you maximize the space in your closet and allow you to see what you own in an organized and unified manner.

Remember to use your timer to ensure you take a break and to keep yourself focused and moving.

You cross the finish line when the donate bag and items to repair bags and been put in the trunk and get your medal when it is dropped off at Salvation Army/Goodwill or the tailors for repair.

If you would like some one-on-one organizing assistance, our Minute-By-Minute Organizing Program may be for you!