Saturday, January 1, 2011


Much like many others in the world, I tend to spend New Years Day refelecting on the year past, where I have been, what I have accomplished and where I want to go in the New Year.
This years successes - spending lots of time playing and enjoying time with my husband, children and friends. 

I finishing writing my LVSonline course, registering for some new classes to take in the January, ensured the house is running pretty much clutter free and completed several Professional Organizer and Home Staging courses.   Life long learning is extremely important to me.

Goals for this year include:
  • getting the final details of registering my business completed,
  • continuing my education, teaching more organizing classes,
  • moving to cash rather than credit for everything humanly possible...keeping my finances as organized as my home - and ensuring I live a debt free existence. 

Most of all my main goal is being the best wife, mother and friend I can be.

Showing kindness to those that are less than lovable and remembering that we are all creatures of God.  He died for even those I find unlovable at time - this is a challenge for me at times and one I have to constantly remind myself of.   I want to be the human being I was created to be.

Tomorrow's project:
  •  list of all my expenses each month and determine how much extra I can allot to paying down debt
  • set of files for all the 2011 bills
  • move all 2010 bills to the back of the cabinet
We do not have a huge amount of debt but it still stresses me out none the less.  I want 2011 to be as stress free, as debt free and as organized as humanly possible.  The choice is up to me, the decisions I make during the year will either help me or hinder me, and I am excited about all the possibilities that lay before me!  As a household we are going to follow the Dave Ramsey program and see what kind of change that creates in our financial freedom.   Want to join along?