Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One Day, One Focus™ Menu Prep and Batch Cooking

Most of you know by now that I do most of my cooking in bulk.  For me, I find it works best to spend one day, with one focus, and get the job done.  

Sunday, after attending an early morning meeting, then heading to church with the fam, it was time to get cooking.  

Roy and I headed off to our local Farm Boy Grocer to get the fixin’s for the week.  By 2 pm we were home and it was time to wash the produce, slice and dice the veggies and get crackin’. 

By 8 pm we had eaten our dinner, food for the week was prepped, all the dishes were washed and the bonus is I  don't need to think about what to serve for dinner again for another week!  Maybe longer given we have stocked the freezer at the same time. 

 So, in just six hours (which included eating our family meal) spending One day, One focus™, yielded:
  • A crockpot full of beef and veggie stew.   Frozen into family sized and individual portions.

  • Oven Roasted Kale Chips for the week of snacks.

  • Roasted Chickpeas for grab and go snacks or to add to salads.

  • A fridge full of cut peppers, carrots and celery for snacks and lunches.

  • Fruit washed and put in bowls for easy grab and go snack.

  • Six huge cooked chicken breasts ready to add to the top pastas or salads  (one breast will feed 2-3 people).   I wrapped each cooked chicken breast individually so we can quickly grab, thaw and add to our meal.

  • A pot of spaghetti sauce which was frozen into both individual and family sized portions.

  • 6 Burger patties made and wrapped individually & frozen for later in the week.

  • A pot of veggie soup that was frozen in individual servings for lunches or a snack

  • A stir fry for dinner that evening

  • Green juice for moi (the rest of the family thinks this is a little whacked)

Intense periods of focus result in major results!

If you need assistance with menu planning, time management or simply strategies to achieve the ability to have the opportunity for One Day, One Focus™ opportunities in your life.   Book an appointment with us, either in person or virtually – we can help you find more time in your life.   Visit our website at www.adventuresinorganizing.ca