Thursday, January 9, 2014

7 Simple Time Management Tips to Increase Productivity

Most of us want to be more productive, we want more hours in the day, and yet we all have the same 24 hours in which to accomplish our work and enjoy our lives.

For 2014, my word for the year is "Create".   To create all the content and programs that I have on my work flow board, this gal really needs to step up her "productivity game" and focus on the essentials.  

Reflecting on my goals and my time, I narrowed my time management tools to 7 key areas that ensure I keep my intention and plan focused

1)  Using a planner (paper or electronic) is critical.   Schedule everything!   I schedule bill payments, social media posts, client appointments, lunch with the girls, reading time, writing time, our menu plan, etc...

2)  Begin each day with a planning session.   Take the first hour of the day to establish priorities and the action plan to make them happen.   Determine the top 3 goals to be accomplished throughout the day.

3)  Stay off email and social media until #2 has been accomplished.  Set specific, intentional times each day to check email or attend to social media.   Turn email notifications off so there are no pop-ups or "dings" each time an email arrives.   Use vacation settings, or auto-responders  to let people know the email is checked at 10, 1 and 3 pm each day and full attention to their email during those times (the timing does not real matter - being intentional does).

4)  Multi-tasking kills focus.   Chunk work out and give it 100% attention during it's time slotted in the schedule.   I read recently that we should treat our days like we are being paid $1,000 per hour and act accordingly - take $1,000 per hour action!

5)  Set time limits with clear goals for items on your "To Do" list.    For big projects, break the work load into a series of smaller time line goals.    An example would be a book.   One generally does not sit down and write an entire is chunked out into small bite sized pieces with an ultimate deadline in mind.

6)  Write things down!   No matter how young or old we are, our brains will fail us. Write all To-Do's, appointments, thoughts, ideas into one main notebook or an app such as Evernote or Workflowy.  

7)   Make every minute count.    Whether on the bus, waiting at the Dr., renewing the driver's license  - take your "To Read" file and get some backlog items off the list.   Write Thank You notes to clients,  birthday cards....always have a "waiting in line" file in your purse, backpack, briefcase.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like some assistance planning your schedule for the year ahead, setting priorities and streamlining your procedures.   Adventures in Organizing would love to help.