Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One Day, One Focus™ Menu Prep and Batch Cooking

Most of you know by now that I do most of my cooking in bulk.  For me, I find it works best to spend one day, with one focus, and get the job done.  

Sunday, after attending an early morning meeting, then heading to church with the fam, it was time to get cooking.  

Roy and I headed off to our local Farm Boy Grocer to get the fixin’s for the week.  By 2 pm we were home and it was time to wash the produce, slice and dice the veggies and get crackin’. 

By 8 pm we had eaten our dinner, food for the week was prepped, all the dishes were washed and the bonus is I  don't need to think about what to serve for dinner again for another week!  Maybe longer given we have stocked the freezer at the same time. 

 So, in just six hours (which included eating our family meal) spending One day, One focus™, yielded:
  • A crockpot full of beef and veggie stew.   Frozen into family sized and individual portions.

  • Oven Roasted Kale Chips for the week of snacks.

  • Roasted Chickpeas for grab and go snacks or to add to salads.

  • A fridge full of cut peppers, carrots and celery for snacks and lunches.

  • Fruit washed and put in bowls for easy grab and go snack.

  • Six huge cooked chicken breasts ready to add to the top pastas or salads  (one breast will feed 2-3 people).   I wrapped each cooked chicken breast individually so we can quickly grab, thaw and add to our meal.

  • A pot of spaghetti sauce which was frozen into both individual and family sized portions.

  • 6 Burger patties made and wrapped individually & frozen for later in the week.

  • A pot of veggie soup that was frozen in individual servings for lunches or a snack

  • A stir fry for dinner that evening

  • Green juice for moi (the rest of the family thinks this is a little whacked)

Intense periods of focus result in major results!

If you need assistance with menu planning, time management or simply strategies to achieve the ability to have the opportunity for One Day, One Focus™ opportunities in your life.   Book an appointment with us, either in person or virtually – we can help you find more time in your life.   Visit our website at www.adventuresinorganizing.ca

Friday, January 10, 2014

Guest Blog - Have you ever seen the TV show "The Hoarders"?

Have you ever seen the TV show “The Hoarders”?  

I’ve watched it a few times and, to be honest, felt like a hoarder in my own office when I am working on an intense project. There are files, papers, pens, post-it notes, note pads, etc. all over the place. Flip chart paper is on each and every wall surface.

And I’ve also felt like a hoarder when the year is well underway and I take a look at my in-box on my computer. 

Have any of you ever felt that way?

Perhaps we aren’t all at the ‘hoarding’ stage but I have no doubt that many of you can relate to the word ‘clutter’ when it comes to many aspects of running your business. 

So let’s start the new year off on the right foot and address some of these categories, along with some solutions.


You do work out of an office, right? I ask that question because I have had many conversations with entrepreneurs who have confessed to the fact that there office is so very cluttered that they have, in fact, moved on out into the dining room – or to some other such area of their home or building – where there is a clear, flat surface. Seriously? Hard to believe but very true for many people. You cannot run a successful business that way – cluttered office = cluttered mind = chaos!


I have a few suggestions for this. 1) Allocate an hour a day to attack the chaos in your office. Pick one corner and stay focused on that one corner. Be prepared with trash bags, recycle bins, and any other tools to help you move things into an organized state. Mark it on your calendar and honor that commitment! It will all be done before you know it – and watch both the energy and the money begin to flow into your business. You’ll be happier too! 2) Hire a professional organizer. Yes, they do exist! And they are fabulous at what they do. Call one today and start the new year off on the right foot.


This might sound weird to you but what I am actually talking about is your client base. Yes, those people you are currently working with. As new entrepreneurs, we often accept clients who have ‘a pulse and a dollar’ and then, as we work with them over a short period of time, come to realize that, in fact, they are just like ‘clutter’. They are not your ideal client – they are taking up time, energy and resources. Again, you will not be able to grow your business as long as this is happening.


 I encourage my clients to categorize their client data-base into A’s, B’s and C’s. The A’s are the ideal clients – they pay you on time, they do the work, they are engaged, they give you testimonials and referrals. You want to keep them! The B’s typically are potential ‘A’s’ but they haven’t been nurtured. Easily done. Schedule a time to begin doing that. The C’s are where the clutter comes in- these are the clients who do not do the work, constantly complain, don’t pay you, are full of excuses. Time to fire them – get rid of that clutter – and open space for new clients. It takes a lot of positive energy to grow your business and working with ‘C’ clients is not going to support your efforts. So, clean out your client files and your client base – and watch the difference this makes for you and your business immediately.


You’re nodding your head already because you know where I am going with this! When IS the last time you cleared the clutter from your in-box? And not just on your computer – what about your I-phone, your I-pad and any other electronic device that captures your emails, etc.? Every time you look at your in-box and it is filled with ezines (unread), emails (unread), and junk mail – it drains your energy. Time to change all that!


Once again, schedule a time to remove the clutter. I did that over the holidays and what a huge difference it makes! Hire a VA to help you with that – especially for things like Facebook messages and photos that are piling up in your account. So, either you do it, a little bit every day – or schedule a chunk of time at the end of the week and get at it, or hire a VA to help you with it. You will be so happy you did. AND THEN…….get into the habit of having no more than 10-20 emails in your in-box at the end of each day/week. It is a habit and one you can easily develop. I have my Friday 50 practice – no more than 50 emails to handle by the end of day on Fridays. Love it. You will, too.


Yes, there is clutter there, too! In particular, negative thinking. That is absolute clutter and must go. Negative thoughts will hold you back. Fear will hold you back. Doubt and hesitation will hold you back from growing a thriving and profitable business.


There are so many courses, books, classes, etc. these days on critical thinking skills. You must get your thinking in order for 2014 to have a successful business. Change the way you think, and change the way you perform. Get serious about this – schedule time to learn the critical thinking skills that will help you with respect to your habits, attitudes, beliefs and expectations. Make this your year to think positive!


Yes, this is a critical component to clearing the clutter. When there is chaos on the outside, there is chaos on the inside. Get rid of the stuff that no longer serves you. As a nation, we have accumulated so much – and it just lays around, getting in our way. It blocks energy.
SOLUTION: Begin in small bites – start with a drawer in a dresser or in the kitchen. Set the time – go at it for 30 minutes at a time.  One small task at a time – once a week. Before you know it, you’ll get that energy flowing and you will love it.


In the words of Les Brown, ‘some people are not good for you’! Get rid of the toxic people in your world – in your family, your friends, your colleagues, your team. They must go. They are not good for you. They are the weakest link – you will default to their energy, all the time.


Make a list of the people you spend the most time with. Identify who are contributes to your energy and your success – they are the keepers. Identify who contaminates your energy and your success – they must go. They must! And don’t be writing to me to tell me how difficult this is – I know it because I’ve been there, done that. And no regrets! You can do this, too. It is critical to your good health and the success of your business.

Clearing the clutter must become a way of life for you as an entrepreneur.

When you make the decision to succeed – nothing can get in your way. Start today! Watch as you begin to attract ideal clients, make more money and make a big difference in life. Isn’t that what it’s all about?
What one thing will you begin today to clear the clutter in your life and in your business? We’d love to hear!

About the Author: Pat Mussieux owner and founder of Wealthy Women Leaders, is the shoot-from-the-hip business building mentor. She has coached and mentored thousands of women entrepreneurs in her programs. Having surpassed the multiple six- figure mark herself in just over three years, she coaches her clients to create profitable businesses. A n award-winning entrepreneur, Pat is a coach, author, and TV host.  Learn more about Pat here.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

7 Simple Time Management Tips to Increase Productivity

Most of us want to be more productive, we want more hours in the day, and yet we all have the same 24 hours in which to accomplish our work and enjoy our lives.

For 2014, my word for the year is "Create".   To create all the content and programs that I have on my work flow board, this gal really needs to step up her "productivity game" and focus on the essentials.  

Reflecting on my goals and my time, I narrowed my time management tools to 7 key areas that ensure I keep my intention and plan focused

1)  Using a planner (paper or electronic) is critical.   Schedule everything!   I schedule bill payments, social media posts, client appointments, lunch with the girls, reading time, writing time, our menu plan, etc...

2)  Begin each day with a planning session.   Take the first hour of the day to establish priorities and the action plan to make them happen.   Determine the top 3 goals to be accomplished throughout the day.

3)  Stay off email and social media until #2 has been accomplished.  Set specific, intentional times each day to check email or attend to social media.   Turn email notifications off so there are no pop-ups or "dings" each time an email arrives.   Use vacation settings, or auto-responders  to let people know the email is checked at 10, 1 and 3 pm each day and full attention to their email during those times (the timing does not real matter - being intentional does).

4)  Multi-tasking kills focus.   Chunk work out and give it 100% attention during it's time slotted in the schedule.   I read recently that we should treat our days like we are being paid $1,000 per hour and act accordingly - take $1,000 per hour action!

5)  Set time limits with clear goals for items on your "To Do" list.    For big projects, break the work load into a series of smaller time line goals.    An example would be a book.   One generally does not sit down and write an entire book...it is chunked out into small bite sized pieces with an ultimate deadline in mind.

6)  Write things down!   No matter how young or old we are, our brains will fail us. Write all To-Do's, appointments, thoughts, ideas into one main notebook or an app such as Evernote or Workflowy.  

7)   Make every minute count.    Whether on the bus, waiting at the Dr., renewing the driver's license  - take your "To Read" file and get some backlog items off the list.   Write Thank You notes to clients,  birthday cards....always have a "waiting in line" file in your purse, backpack, briefcase.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like some assistance planning your schedule for the year ahead, setting priorities and streamlining your procedures.   Adventures in Organizing would love to help.