Thursday, May 23, 2013

S is for System: Create Systems to Simplify Your Life

S is for System

One of the key things I have found helpful for both myself and my clients is finding a system to manage all the household tasks.

Dealing with mail the minute is comes in the door.   Recycle the junk immediately; do not bring it in the door!   Putting the bill to pay into a “to pay” file right away, and anything thing else that needs attention into an easily accessible “to do” file.  That’s it – mail in, easily dealt with and done.

Instilling a 15 minute pick up time immediately after dinner, or immediately before bed is also a huge help.   The tidy time is for the entire family – no one is let off the hook.  Small children can pick up dog toys and return them to their home, older kids can pick up laundry and all their belongings and put them away.  Another child can tidy the bathroom counter.   Having a daily tidy “time” creates big impact on a house.  Use the timer on your stove or phone and make a game out of it.    In a family of 5 x 15 minutes that leads to 1 hour and 15 minutes of clean up each day.   That is big impact.

Use TV time productively.    Sort a drawer, clear off the coffee table while you are watching go through a pile of magazines or recipes…use commercial time to put things away.   Commercials make great cues to get moving – toss a load of laundry in, fold another, and put some away during each commercial.  

In 2012, according to the BLS American Time Survey, the average person spent 5:11 hours watching television per week and the average person spends 9 years of their life watching television.  
Just image, if you spent just half of that time, taking care of the backlog of tasks and filing around the house what your life could look like. 

I’m not saying don’t watch TV, but rather find a system to make that time count, make those minutes matter and be productive.

Make those minutes count.

If you need help making your minutes count, contact us today to see what we can do help you Lose Clutter, Gain Claity and manage your time.