Saturday, May 18, 2013

R is for Read - Making Mole Hills from Mountains

Do you have a "To Read" Mountain growing in your home?

Most of us have at least a pile, if not a mountain.

So I am sure you are staring at the mountain and wondering "where do I start"?   First, decide that today is the day to tackle and move that mountain.

It is a lovely day here in Ottawa today, and I woke up at the crack of dawn - a coffee and my reading pile on the deck and it was pretty much taken care of (other than the two library books that are pending - I don't read that quickly).   Sometimes, it is just a matter of setting an hour aside with no computer and no TV.

If you truly are dealing with a mountain rather than a pile, you will need more time.

Here are a few real solutions...

  • Start at the top and get the freshest information in and out of the pile right away.   If the first item is several weeks old, decide whether or not you truly will find the time - if you have not had time in weeks, is it worth investing your time in it now?

  • Set some time aside each day to do nothing but read from your pile.   If you find yourself setting an item aside in the pile to "read later" that should be a good indication that it is not worth your time investment at all - move that baby into the recycle box right away. 

  • Put some reading materials into your computer bag or purse and read on the bus, while waiting for appointments and during your coffee breaks.  Recycle when done and reload your bag each evening for the next day.

  • Finally come to terms with the fact that we all want to read more than we actually have time for.  Embrace technology and search for the information on line when you do have the time and let the paper documents go.   There really is nothing in a magazine or newspaper that cannot be found online. It is OK to "just let it go".


Make it your goal for the remainder of the month to move that mountain and make it a mole hill.  

If you need help making your mountain into a mole hill, contact us today and we will help you develop an action plan to do just that.