Tuesday, December 11, 2012

K is for Keep: Decluttering and Loving your "Keep Pile"

K is for Keep  
So many times in organizing, we talk about “letting go”, “downsizing”, “Scaling back” and “decluttering”.

Today the discussion is about the items, the objects, we choose to “Keep”!
That’s right!  In any organizing project, we have the keep, toss and giveaway piles.  While the traditional focus of those projects is the “toss” and “giveaway” parts of the job, at Adventures In Organizing, we believe the most important part of the decision process is “Keep”. 

Items that we keep are the day-to-day things that are functional and essential to our daily lives.  These are items that help us, items that enhance our existence, and items with which we love to surround ourselves. 

We should keep items we love, things that bring us joy and things that make us smile.  I have a statue that was from my Grandparents, a statue that is not practical; it serves no real purpose other than the fact that I love it.  It does not take up a lot of room in the house, it does not take a lot of maintenance, but even if it did and I truly loved it, I would still keep it.

The key to the “keep” part of any organizing project is to manage the quantity of those items to the space available to contain them and to ensuring that each component is necessary, used, and treasured!

Start fresh in 2013 – begin the year with an “attitude of gratitude” for the abundance that you do have and make smart decisions about your "Keep" items.

Do you need help with selecting your "Keep Pile",  downsizing and decluttering?  

Visit our website and subscribe today to Minute By Minute Organizing and start the year off right.