Friday, May 25, 2012

Organizing By The Letter: A IS FOR ACCESSIBLE

A is for accessible!

When deciding the best place to store your items, it is wise to consider how often you need to access them.   If the toaster is used daily, leaving it out or in an easy to get at cupboard would make the most sense.   For me, the coffee pot is the only item that remains on the counter at all times, oh how I love my coffee...that baby never gets put away!

In our home, the toaster only gets used occasionally so it is stored away in our pantry cupboard.  Anything I use frequently is stored in the bottoms of the upper cabinets or the upper half of the lower kitchen cabinets.   Things seldom used in the kitchen in the hardest to access spaces over my head and the occasional use items are stored in the lower cabinets towards the bottom.

The same would apply to your clothes.   The ones you wear year round and everyday would be in the front of your drawers and items like gowns and tiaras, that most of us would wear only occasionally would be stored towards the back of the closet.  Alas, my tiara ...well I have not really had one since I was 4 but if I had one, it would be stored on the top shelf on my closet in a box to protect it.

Accessible storage in most of our homes is hard to find.    Take 10 minutes to look in your kitchen cupboards and think about how you are storing your the coffee close to the pot, are the cups close to the pot?  When was the last time you used that melon-baller, cherry-pitter, and the "what on earth is that for anyway" item?   If you truly cannot remember, or it has only been once in 20 years...perhaps you could  add it to your Salvation Army or Goodwill donation bag!

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