Monday, May 5, 2014

Three Simple Steps to Reduce Teen Spring Fever

We are coming to the end of the school year and kids are starting to get distracted by dreams of summer break, end of year celebrations and overall boredom.    How can you help your kids keep focused during this time of the year?

Dr. Kristine Dunn, PhD. shares her thoughts with the Adventures In Organizing community.  Kristine has a vast array of experience working with teens and youth.

Three Simple Steps to Reduce Teen Spring Fever   

To have your teenagers stay organized there are effective strategies that can be utilized...... especially when 'spring fever' kicks in. 

  1.  Begin by asking them to go through their back pack every Tuesday and Friday with you as this will help with knowing what students need to do for the weekend and also know what is due during the week.
  2. Have organizing folders with each subject to help them keep track of their paperwork.  
  3. Encourage them to meet with their teachers each week to determine what is due, and if they do not comply, follow up with emails to the teachers. A benefit of examining the back pack on a Friday can provide contingencies of completion of homework for activities that they would like to participate in !

It can be an "Aha" moment for parents and an "ok I'll do my work" moments for students. If there are ongoing concerns, a school counselor is always available to help continue to support and motivate students during their school day as well.

If you would like help getting either your student or yourself organizing in 2014, we are happy to help.   On May 19 we are launching a new online program called "10 Weeks to a More Organized Life".  Register now to ensure you receive the early registration discount.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Momentum - Making Change Happen!

This has been an incredible month and I have been reflecting a lot about momentum.    

Momentum in the lives of my clients and momentum in my own life and business.

Several big client projects have wrapped up or are in the final days.  The before and afters are nothing short of miraculous to those who would be looking from the outside in.   Most of you know that I do not generally show before and afters to respect my clients privacy but in this case, my client has worked her "honey buns" off and I am so proud of all she has accomplished, and she is as well.   My client has given me permission to show you what we have been working on the past several months and how momentum equals success!   She also wanted me to share that she  "can't wait for her next week's session".

The important thing is that it all happened because of hard work and dedication, one block of time each week, every week, until success was achieve.   There was no magic wand, there was no miracle, my clients all made the mind-shift, they all decided to make change happen, they all took small steps each week and ultimately created monumental change in their lives.

Even in my own business I can see this happening, adding staff, being asked to speak throughout Ottawa with the Public Library, a Roger’s TV gig coming up this month and begins asked by Zoomer Media to speak both days of the Zoomer Show at the end of the month.   Small steps forward in my own business is creating huge change here as well.

Make change happen:

  • Set your goal

  • Break it in small manageable chunks of time

  • Schedule firm times into your agenda to make it happen

  • Live with a “no-excuses” attitude

  • Establish an end date

  • Determine what your reward will be (date night, theatre, having a party)

·       Now.... get moving forward!

If you would like some assistance reaching your organizing goals, we will be launching a new online organizing program in May.    Click here to learn more and enroll with our early registration discount.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

10 Weeks to a More Organized Life

I have such a passion for the people I work with.   They are often clutter challenged; they often have issues in their lives that have caused them to have limiting self-beliefs that undermine their self-worth BUT…  I can say with total assurity that they are amazing, they all have unlimited potential they are not even aware of and they are gifted in all sorts of areas in their lives.   

Each client that I work with has blessed my life and made real change in the way I view the world.   I am so blessed to do what I do each day.

The problem is, I can only work one-on-one with my clients and there are only so many hours in a day and so many clients I can work with in any given week.

In that light, I have created a new online program to assist more people reach their full potential, meet them where they are, and ensure they too can lose clutter and find clarity in the lives.   Clutter undermines of sense of self-worth, is creates mental clutter, it robs us of our peace of mind.    Join me in May for an all-new 10 week program to help you and your loved ones,"lose clutter and gain clarity"™.   

While on the outside this program may seem self-serving and all about money, my goal, my hope is to serve more people and ensure they can afford the services of a professional organizer that fits within their budget.   Three hours of my personal “hands on time is valued at 210.00 and up”  this program will provide you will 10 weeks of organizing for less than that plus lots of additional bonuses.     

Register early and you can purchase the program for just 149.00.   This will be the only time in 2014 that I offer this program and I want to work with you!   Don't delay, the price goes up to $199.99 shortly!   See you in the program.