Thursday, July 4, 2013

New Learning Platform AND a Special Bonus

It has been project central around here lately and good things are in the works.

One of the best things is that I discovered a new learning platform to make it easier for our clients to download our products and to be able to participate in our programs (just wait until you see what is coming in the next few months!)

With any new platform, you need a test, so our test project is that we have moved our eBook "30 Simple Steps to a More Organized Life" to the new learning centre and it is ready for download.  It should make it extremely simple for you to register, purchase and download.   Previously (that would be yesterday) were hand doing everything. We would get an email saying client X bought the ebook, then we would do to the file and upload it to an email and then send it to the purchaser.   Not very time efficient and a time lag for our clients once they purchased the eBook until they received it.   As we continue to grow, and develop new offerings it became apparent that this system would not work for much longer so .....Now, you can access it immediately!

If you, or anyone you know is looking for some extra organizing direction, our book 30 Simple Steps to a More Organized Life is sure to help.   The book follows a similar structure to our  daily Take 5's but is more intensive.

Please feel free to send your friends and family the link as well to our eBook "30 Simple Steps to a More Organized Life" over to our new learning center.    As an added bonus and to celebrate the new learning center launch we will include a FREE special bonus forum, within the learning center,  for those who purchase the book between July 4 and July 31st.  

Within the forum you can share your photos, your goals, and your successes with others working on the book together.

I will check the forum on a regular basis and you are free to ask any questions and to pick my brain in the forum for free (my "pick my brain" rate for clients is normally $125.00 per hour!)   The forum will only be active until the end of August 2013 so don't wait to order your book.

Support is a powerful motivator to achieving goals AND best of all, the eBook is still just 4.97 

Let me know if you have any issues downloading the book, as will any new system, there are bound to be a few hiccups. 
