Sunday, July 29, 2012

Organizing Olympics, Day 1: Front Entrance

So, how did you all like the opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympic Games?

Today is the first day of the official games and as such, we are moving from our Organizing Opening Ceremony onto the official first day of home organizing!   Whoot Whoot!  

We are going to the starting block, (aka - the front door), and dive into the pool (aka - the front entrance).   I tried to think up some fun shooting references since a lovely gal from China won Gold first thing this morning and since my eldest is a lovely gal from China who also use to be quite proficient with an air rifle in Biathlon, well... clearly I failed at being that clever so pool analogies will have to suffice.

Anyway, starting block - front door, dive - front entrance, 500 IM, we are doing our front crawl, back crawl, breast stroke and butterfly.    Basically we are hitting the front entrance with everything we have.

For this competition you will need:

  1. your timer
  2. a bag for garbage
  3. a broom and several rags
  4. window cleaner
  5. a mop to wash the floor in your front entrance
On your mark, get set, go.....

  • Is the front door dirty, covered in fingerprints and dust?   Wash it, inside and out!
  • Look up, are there cobwebs, a burnt out light or anything that needs attention?   Take care of it?
  • Wrap a clean dishtowel or rag around your broom and sweep off the walls inside the front entrance.
  • Take everything off the floor.  Wash and only put back what is welcoming and necessary.
  • Look inside the closet.  If there are too many shoes - either donate, toss or move the excess to a new location.   Decide how many pairs per person is necessary.  Eg....1 pair of flip-flops, one pair sandals, one pair or sneakers or two, how many dress shoes are necessary....if there are some that have not been worn in over a year - donate.    Do the same for everything hanging in the closet.   
Clear out anything that does not belong, that is not being used, that is not loved and get rid of it.   Wipe down any mirrors or windows and make your front entrance sparkle.    Go from opening ceremonies to front entrance fantastic in one day!  You can do this...set your timer for 15 minutes and go at it with everything you have.   Take more time if you need it and/ or take regular breaks.

Need extra help getting organized?   Check out our new program Minute By Minute Organizing