Monday, June 25, 2012

Organizing By The Letter: D is for DECIDE! Lose the Clutter by making decisions

D is for DECIDE!                                
At church on Sunday, the topic was Goliath and tackling things that seem like giants to us.   For so many, clutter and chaos are the Goliaths in our lives.  We become paralyzed and anxious with feelings of inadequacy when our environments become out of control.  

Clutter is really just the result of postponed decisions.   The funny thing is most of the decisions we put off are small, very small, but accumulated over time they become mountains, or our “Goliath”.   Most of these small decisions would only take a matter of mere minutes and these “things” we have been putting off would have been off our plates for good.

This week, why not make a pact with yourself to DECIDE!   
The mail comes in and some quick decisions need to be made.   What category does the mail fall under?
  • To pay?
  • To file?
  • To toss?
  • To read?  (Be careful here – if you really cannot image a time in the next 2 weeks that you will have time to sit down and read the item….I recommend tossing it.   You can likely find the material online later when you truly do have the time)
You have made your decisions now take action.  Pay it, File it, Toss it, or read it.   Once paid file or toss,   once read likely you can let the item go and toss/recycle or donate it.
The laundry needs to be done:
  • let’s decide to wash one load today,
  • let’s decide to put it in the dryer
  • and let’s decide to put it all away.  
Looking at each task as a separate entity and it is easier to accomplish.  

How to ensure we take decisive action
1)      Use a timer – set the timer on the washer that the dryer so laundry is not sitting.
2)      Getting the laundry out of the dryer right way helps decrease wrinkles.
3)      Fold or hang fight away
4)      Decide to put away.  
5)      Don’t put away any clothes that you do not like, do not fit or do not wear – put them in a donate bag and get them out the door.

One big job is now off our plates and we no longer have to think about it.

Today, how about we decide to say “NO” to anything we either, do not have time for or, do not want to do.   This takes practice but I am sure we can do this!

Embark upon the week ahead with the confidence that you have the power to make a decision and out in into action.  If anything takes less than 5 minutes to do, let “do it now” become the motto for your week.    

Say “Yes” to action!