Monday, July 30, 2012

The Organizing Olympics, Day 3: Shoe Toss

I remember when shoes like this did not hurt!
Oh youth, where have you gone?

During Day 1, Event we tackled the front entrance and part of that involved shoes.

Today's event will be.....The Shoe Toss.

This event can either be an individual event or  a synchronized event if you want to get the entire family involved.

The event involves...     
Gathering all of your footwear into one location.

What is your strategy to win at this game? 

  1. Keep what you love, wear and have space to store
  2. Toss what is no longer in good condition and beyond repair
  3. Repair items you love but need a little rehab
  4. Donate items that are in good condition and you could bless others with
  5. Store items that are off season in a location that will keep them clean and protected until needed
If you have tons of shoes, you may need to use a timer to take regular breaks.   Keep in mind, as with any athletic event, time matters so make your decisions quickly and spring into action.  You are heading for a gold medal....GO!!!

  • Keep
  • Toss
  • Repair
  • Donate
  • Store

When putting items back into the closet, clean the floor and shelves and take a last look at each items and ask yourself when the last time was you wore the shoes and when you realistically see yourself wearing them again.   It does not matter if you paid $500.00 for the shoes if you are never going to wear them...donate them to someone who will.

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