Monday, July 30, 2012

Organizing Olympics, Day 2: Purse Diving

Today's athletic event will be.....Purse Diving.   This is an individual event 'cause we ladies are pretty individual in our taste for our delectable purses.
My guess would be that you do not need any special "training" for this event and your coach can likely go for a coffee break.
The event involves...
Your purse of course, followed by:
  1. diving into the bag, 
  2. emptying the entire contents, 
  3. tossing the garbage, 
  4. sorting the contents and only putting back what you need.    

When putting items back - consider using some small Ziploc bags, or small zippered makeup bags from the dollar store to keep like items together. If using zippered makeup bags, use a different colour for each so you do not have to open each to know what is stored inside.
Things that you could store might be things  like:
  • Lipsticks and makeup in one, 
  • Breath mints  & hand sanitizer
  • First Aid items like band aids and Tylenol
Use the zippers and compartments build into your purse to store "like items" together.   Keep your cell in the same pocket all the time, keep pens in the same zippered compartment all the time, don't forget to keep a small notebook in your purse...there is always someone searching for a paper and pen.  What about the keys...where in your purse do you plan to put your keys?   Use that spot each and every time.   I use the outside back zipper on mine since it is the easiest to access when my hands are full leaving the store.

 If you have more purses than you know what to do with, I found this simple cost effective idea on YouTube - take a peek at.

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